Filter irrelevant Adsense ads on your blog

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Adsense team is doing some great updates in Adsense ad formats and ad performance. Just got update from Adsense team about new feature “Ad Review center”. You can now filter irrelevant ads appearing on your site. This feature was there since many days but now you have greater control over ad management system.

Adsense team is gradually launching this feature to all Adsense publishers over next few months. You can change the settings of Ad review center on ‘Competitive Ad Filter’ page under ‘AdSense Setup’ tab. You have two options like ‘Auto-allow’ and ‘Manual-review’. If you choose to review all ads manually then all new ads will not appear in your site bid auction list unless you approve them manually.

Auto-review option will keep all new ads appearing in your site auction. You can block them manually afterwards. It’s strongly recommended from Adsense team to keep the auto-allow option on. You can review each ad later on after performance and relevancy check. If you are blocking any ad appearing on your site then you will be asked for reason for doing so. This would be a constructive feedback to advertisers to improve their ad performance. Hmm great thinking ;-)

You should be very careful while reviewing ads before appearing on your site. Because this could have major revenue impact on you ad performance. You can end up blocking high paying irrelevant ad against the low paying relevant ad. Again it’s depending on what you prefer. Either showing relevant ad to your users or make some extra money by allowing irrelevant ads in site ad auction.

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